
Get a complete picture of your shipping data with all-new Analytics Learn more

Offer Customers Convenient FedEx® Shipping Options & Delivery Details

Take control of which FedEx shipping services you want to offer customers, plus show accurate delivery dates for unrivaled checkout functionality online.

Carrier Fedex

Take Your FedEx Shipping Options Further with ShipperHQ’s Fully Customizable Checkout Experience

Delivery Date & Time

Show Clear Shipping Details Customers Expect

Show shipping cut-off times, blackout dates, lead times and more for accurate delivery details at cart and checkout

Address Validation
Address Validation

Always Get Charged The Right Last Mile Fees

Double check your customer’s information to get billed the correct commercial and residential fees for all your FedEx deliveries

Shipping Rules
Shipping Rules

Tailor Shipping Options To Your Business Needs

Stay compliant, save money and offer shipping promotions with rules based on what you sell, where a customer is located and more

Dimensional Packing
Dimensional Packing

Get the Most Accurate Shipping Rates Possible

Automate how boxes are selected for orders and define how products are packaged together for better shipping margins



FedEx-Supported Services in ShipperHQ
